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We all know New England weather can be harsh, but do you know the best ways to beat the cold and stay safe? VP of Safety & Risk Consulting Tim McCarty gives us some hot tips on what to do!...

Trouble keeping your employees' hard hats on their heads? VP of Safety and Risk, Tim McCarty, gives you an interesting tidbit to share that might encourage them to keep their hard hats on. Find out exactly what it is in this week's Toolbox Talk....

What makes a competent person? You'd be surprised at some of the specific requirements OSHA has in place. VP of Safety & Risk Consulting Tim McCarty gives insight as to what makes a competent person, the special role they play in construction and what you need to know about them....

Trying to beat the heat? VP of Safety & Risk Consulting Tim McCarty discusses important ways to avoid heat stress while on the job. Do you know the best ways to prevent heat rash and heat stroke?...

Confined spaces for construction can be a very hazardous and even deadly. VP of Safety & Risk Consulting Tim McCarty discusses important things to remember when it comes to your confined space meter so everyone stays safe....

No doubt, owning a vacation home can be a gratifying investment in your family’s enjoyment. It may also be a smart financial investment. But before the vacation begins, there are important considerations you want to make that will protect your asset as well as help you stay safe, stress free,...

How do you keep your equipment safe on a job site? According to VP of Safety and Risk, Tim McCarty, the most important factor is parking. Find out exactly what he means in this week's Toolbox Talk....

Congratulations! You’re getting serious about purchasing that vacation home of your dreams. But before you close on that perfect property, there’s something important – and really easy – that you can do to save money on your investment, protect your asset, and prevent a whole lot of stress. If your...

A vacation home is great when you need to escape, but maintenance can be a headache – especially when you are not there for prolonged periods of time. Not only is the process of closing up your home at the end of the season tedious, but you’ll also need to...

Do you know the 5-4-3-2-1 rule when it comes to trenching and excavation? VP of Safety & Risk Consulting Tim McCarty gives us the scoop on what you need to know on job sites....

Yes, we can all agree that safety is important, but do you know the impact a safety program has on your business? VP of Safety and Risk, Tim McCarty, tells us how investing in safety impacts both your reputation within your industry, as well as the ROI on projects!...

What are the biggest challenges when it comes to road safety? Believe or not, being on the road is one of the largest exposures construction workers face. VP of Safety and Risk, Tim McCarty, gives us some insight on how we can keep people safe....

As winter settles in the Northeast and the Coronavirus pandemic continues to spike across the country, many parents (and educators) face a difficult conundrum: whether or not to send their kids to school. With varying guidelines across state and even district lines, many parents are left to choose between in-person...

It is with a sad heart that we share the news of our founder, Richard “Dick” Wright Clark’s passing at the age of 86. Dick had a prosperous career and life, surrounded by family, friends, colleagues and celebrated numerous achievements and successes, both personally and professionally. Our prayers, condolences, and...

Since our founding in 1931, we’ve seen it all. Working with customers on their auto insurance over the years, there are two topics that people need to know about. The first is simple steps on how to decrease their auto premium. The second is how to handle a new teen...

Watch your step! In this session of Clark Toolbox Talks, we'll get a few quick tips for preventing hazards around open holes from Tim McCarty, VP of Safety & Risk Consulting at Clark Insurance....

Many homeowners don’t think twice about flood insurance unless they are required to. Unfortunately, with this increase in inclement weather, this has to change. With just one inch of water needed to damage your possessions and home, and flood zone maps being updated, flooding is a real concern for every...

If you finance your home with a mortgage, your lender will require you to have a home insurance policy. Home insurance is useful for protecting you and your home against unforeseen damages and loss from perils such as fire and smoke, vandalism, theft, windstorms, and more. Most standard policies include...

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