
Videos / 23.08.2022

Respect the vest! Did you know there are three different kinds of safety vests used in construction? Tim McCarty gives us the scoop on all three. Join us for other Toolbox Talk sessions where we train and prepare you for unexpected risks!...

Videos / 17.10.2021

Trouble keeping your employees' hard hats on their heads? VP of Safety and Risk, Tim McCarty, gives you an interesting tidbit to share that might encourage them to keep their hard hats on. Find out exactly what it is in this week's Toolbox Talk....

Videos / 12.10.2021

What makes a competent person? You'd be surprised at some of the specific requirements OSHA has in place. VP of Safety & Risk Consulting Tim McCarty gives insight as to what makes a competent person, the special role they play in construction and what you need to know about them....

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